Because atheists have no binding ideologies, places of worship, or rituals, they tend to be more socially isolated and disorganized than religious individuals. The Internet, however, has allowed atheists to organize and congregate to a greater extent than they ever have before in the western world. The anonymous nature of the Internet has allowed for the exploration of certain more unpopular and unconventional ideas, like atheism. With that in mind, here are the best websites for atheists.

Without a doubt, the best website for the nonbeliever is The web site, run by arguably the most respected and eloquent atheist alive today, is overflowing with features. It has a constantly updating stream of relevant articles and videos, a robust forum, religious de-conversion stories, and links to atheist groups and events around the world.
Pat Condell is another controversial English Atheist, and his web site Godless Comedy features his humorous and angry rants about religion. Condell’s remarks have been so inflammatory that they’ve been banned from Youtube on one occasion, but many have found his remarks to be honest as well as funny.
The website God is Imaginary is probably the best web site that focuses on de-converting theists. The site offers 50 reasons why God is imaginary, explained in easy to understand arguments and outlined in several videos. It also has a lively forum, a regularly updated blog and funny comics about religion.
Positive Atheism
Positive Atheism contains a collection of informative articles about atheism and philosophy but is mainly known for its mammoth collection of atheist quotations. The site literally contains thousands upon thousands of quotes about atheism from every kind of famous and historical person you can imagine.
Insane quotes by religious people
On the other side of the quote business, the site Fundies Say the Darndest Things contains a plethora of insane quotes by religious people, the vast majority of them taken from Christian web boards.
Free Thought Radio is a web site that has tried to create an Internet-based radio station for atheists. They have interviews with atheist authors, readings from atheist books, atheist music, and even satirical advertisements for phony religious products.
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Speaking of satire, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is certainly the king of all anti-religious jokes. The hilarious pasta-based deity was created to protest moves by conservative Christians to teach Creationism in schools.
The web site features a blog, promotional literature, and a store where you can purchase products like bumper stickers that ask “What would Flying Spaghetti Monster Do?”
To round out our list, I’m putting a person’s favorite web site: The web site is a collection of atheist podcasts by Michael Scott Earl. Having been a former missionary, Earl is extremely well informed on religion. He uses his knowledge to eviscerate faith and lays out some of the most intelligent and cogent arguments you will ever hear on the Internet.