Does Magick Work


Doing magick can be fun and rewarding. The idea for a spell is anything your mind can conjure. Get ready to tap into a part of your brain that is seldom used so I have heard. The best knowledge you can get is from meditation. This takes lots of practice and patience. Spellcasting is easy and fun.

Steps to Successful Spellcasting

There are steps you must take to be successful and remember that they can backfire if you’re not careful. You should as the Gods for their assistance and proceed. First, you have the idea or intent for the spell (need to make sure your intent is clear).

Second, you need to write your spell-I believe the better it rhymes the more impact it has. When you have written the spell itself you have manifested some of the energy for the final doing of the spell so choose your words wisely.

Third, preparing for the spell, you gather your tools so to speak and find your private space to work the spell.

Fourth, you set it all up and make your circle of protection.

Fifth, your space should be clean, you should be clean, and clothes are optional. Sixth, be sure to thank the Gods for their assistance and close your circle. Always remember the secret to your spell working is to believe it will work and it feels right. Whatever you send out comes back to you threefold. So with harm to none, your will be done.

No-No to Love Spell

I personally don’t ever recommend a love spell they go around the world before they actually get to your intended heart’s desire. Just remember if you play with fire you will get burnt.

Within your circle there should be the four directions:
East color, yellow- element, air-good candle colors, yellow/white
South- color red-element fire-good candle colors, red/white
West-color blue-element water-good candle colors, blue/white
North-color green-element earth-good candle colors, green/brown/white
Gold is for the Gods and silver is for the Goddess. The goddess watches over the witches (there are no warlocks, sorry guys).

What are Common Spell Needs?

Common spell needs are money, fun, and a vehicle, to quit a habit, find a job, to just name a few. We all need something sometime. I have always believed if I need it I will have it. Lo and behold magick helps with my needs and desires and it can yours too.
I have done most of my reading from Silver Ravenwolf, Scott Cunningham and a lot of ideas from Buckland’s complete book of Witchcraft. This will sound kind of Star Wars-Know the power is with you and it will be. I know inside myself if my spell will work or not. Give it a try and always remember whatever you send out will come back to you.

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