How to live a Practical Christian Life.
When one speaks of practical Christian living, they think of something that is tangible and has direct application to how they are living today. Thus, one thinks “relevant.” But the …
When one speaks of practical Christian living, they think of something that is tangible and has direct application to how they are living today. Thus, one thinks “relevant.” But the …
If the question was raised, “What is the Great Commission?,” it could be answered that the Great Commission is the command given by Christ Himself as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 …
Virginity is a blessing and something to have, so as to give and share with someone special and decent. It is important to keep one’s virginity, for someday you will …
The Bible has much to say on the subject of worry. Jesus, in particular, spoke often of the dangers of worry and what can be done to avoid it. Worrying …
One of the areas where science and faith find themselves most at odds is with respect to the concept of miracles, signs, and wonders. Modern science relies upon the belief …
The Holy Spirit is always there. The Holy Spirit wants people to be happy, help others and do good things. The trick is to be able to listen when the …
Angels are beings that have a rich history in the Christian tradition Throughout the Old and New Testaments, angels occur on a regular basis and are central to God’s work …
Since the first church was started, there have been arguments about the topic of giving tithes to the church. Tithe simply means increase. One argues that tithes are given based …
Hope is a tangible reality rather than an intangible desire Many see hope as something one musters up akin to positive thinking towards the desired goal. However, when Scripture speaks …
Atheists are too often vilified by Christians. We perceive them as unusual enemies of God and consequently ourselves as the defenders of the faith. As a result, we do each …
The 23rd Psalm is extremely an extremely familiar passage of scripture to most Christians. For those who have been raised in the church, it is often one of the first …
Being a witness is often misunderstood as something believers do for the sake of people who do not know Jesus. Instead, it is something believers are that is a benefit …
David wrote in the Psalms that there is nowhere one can go where God’s Presence is absent. However, there is a marked difference between His limitless existence and His manifested Presence. …
The term “false prophet” has been grossly overused and ill-placed. It is used by most as a pronouncement against anyone who has a different doctrine or sometimes an erroneous doctrine. …
While even many Christians profess that they cannot hear God, God is speaking and once we learn how He speaks, we find that we have been hearing all along. Even …
Somehow this distorted idea that we church shop to find the best church where all our needs are met crept into American Christianity. When we come into a church with …
The small town of Nags Head ensconced in the greater Outer Banks, North Carolina bears a name reflective of the piracy legend of old. It is said that the locals of Outer …
Jesus commissioned the Church to disciple the nations. The meaning of this commission has been lost to much of the modern church. We have mistakenly translated this as go and …
Character is born on the inside of a person and reflected outwardly. Jesus said that a tree is known by its fruit and that if it bears good fruit it …
Who is Jesus? Is He a king, a teacher, a first-century Rabbi who had revolutionary disciples? Is He a man whose teachings were used to subjugate a wayward Empire? No …
The brilliant crimson blessed blood of Jesus Christ flowed freely that day at Calvary. By doing so, it dealt with the sin of humanity once and for all. Was that …
To properly address this question, three specific pieces need to be examined. What are people saved from? What are people saved to? What are people saved by? Grace and works …
The concept of sin lies at the heart of the Christian faith. The Christian believes that his or her sin is what has created separation from a holy God and …
Where do Christians look for guidelines and advice on truthfulness and honesty? We find all the answers we need in the Bible, of course. Honesty is a very important concept …
Easter is the holiday on which Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This one event is the foundation stone on which the Christian faith rests. The …
Christianity is a belief system that is rooted in the teachings of Jesus, the Christ. In the field of religions, Christianity is considered one and yet it has certain attributes …
Disasters can come in many forms and at any time. There are closely personal ones such as divorce, a grave illness, death, job loss, substance abuse, and financial crisis. There …
In today’s society, “church” is often a word that leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths. So many people have had bad church experiences that they often give up on the …
In recent times there is a resurgence of interest in angels in some streams of Christianity. Most do not blink an eye to the common talk of guardian angels, but …
The Sermon on the Mount in its entirety, details how believers in Jesus Christ should live their lives. In this sermon, Jesus shows the differences between living under the new …
Cessationism is fading away from mainstream Christianity as supernatural theology permeates the equipping resources readily available in Christian bookstores and websites. Just the same, it is still present enough to …